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    發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-04-30 14:43:27  |  來源: 中國發(fā)展門戶網(wǎng)  |  作者: 楊霄霄  |  責(zé)任編輯: 楊霄霄
    關(guān)鍵詞: 中國 扶貧 論壇 活動流程



    Guest Registration

    Session 1: 9:00-10:30 Opening Ceremony & Experience Sharing


    Guests Introduction 

    Opening Remarks

    Fang Zhenghui, Vice President of China International Publishing Group


    Keynote Speeches (10 min/person):

    Guo Weimin, Vice Minister of State Council Information Office;

    Hong Tianyun, Deputy Director of LGOP;


    Launching Ceremony of Global Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth Portal (GPIG)

    Guo Weimin, Hong Tianyun, Fang Zhenghui, Wang Xiaohui, Zuo Changsheng, Bert Hofman and Irene Bain together launch the website;

    Partner representatives witness this moment on stage


    Keynote Speeches (8 min/person)

    Bert Hofman, World Bank's Country Director for China, Mongolia and Korea

    Niels Knudsen, UNDP Assistant Country Director, Team Leader for South South Cooperation

    Irene Bain, Social Sector Specialist, PRC Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank


    GPIG Future Plans Introduction

    Gladys H. Morales, Program Poverty Think Tanks Coordinator


    China’s Poverty Reduction Experience Sharing:

    E-commerce Poverty Alleviation

    Zhang Ruidong, Senior expert at the Alibaba Research Institute

    Poverty Alleviation through Logistics

    Chen Haida, Board Chairman of Ada Technology (Beijing) Ltd.,Co.

    Coffee Break: 10:30-10:45

    Session 2: 10:45-12:00 Panel Discussion China’s Poverty Reduction Experience Sharing Under the SDGs Framework


    Host: Zuo Changsheng, Director General of IPRCC


    Yu Fei, Senior Economist & Head of Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative, PRC Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank

    Nguyen Duc Thanh, Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR) President

    Dr. Kas Murshid, Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

    Liu Wenkui, Secretary General of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

    Bai Chengyu, Secretary General of China Association of Microfinance

    Li Guoxiang, Researcher of Rural Development Institute of CASS


    Closing Remarks

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